Reception and service of foreign delegations - Carlton

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Reception and service of foreign delegations
The organization of the reception of delegations of foreign and Azerbaijani business partners is indicated by its own protocol, the purpose of which is to provide the most effective stay for the invited party in accordance with the requirements of business etiquette. For a decade and a half of work in the business travel segment, and in particular in organizing delegation visits, Carlton Travel has developed a high format for building programs for business meetings and festive events.

Services at the level of world standards. As an exclusive partner and Travel Management Company, as well as an IATA (International Air Carriers Association) accredited organization, our company is a guarantor of the professional level of services provided for interaction between delegations from different countries.

This is how the guarantee of a high level of organization of each event implemented by Carlton Travel looks like.
Basic procedures for receiving and servicing delegations
Event Planning
It includes a cycle from the moment of negotiations, determining the participants included in the delegation, the dates and duration of the visit, budgeting, visa support, choosing a venue for the meeting of partners, and more - individually.
Reception of delegation members
The implementation of the events approved for the agenda of the business meeting, from the moment of transfer from the points of arrival, including the cultural program, in accordance with the planned one, seeing off foreign guests and accompanying persons at the end of the visit period.
Event organisation
Coordination and preparation of a business visit program, booking of air and railway tickets, hotel rooms, conference halls and communications, etc.
Data support
The stage of informing structural divisions, responsible employees participating both in the organization process and being part of the delegation.
  • Provision of statistical and accounting reports
  • Assistance in concluding 2nd and 3rd party contracts with suppliers
  • Consulting in the field of reducing the cost of business travel
  • Maintenance of mile programs of airlines
  • Personal account manager

The Carlton Travel team of professionals, having many years of experience, has the ability to plan and implement any event, from a meeting of business partners in an informal setting, to an international conference in any country in the world and a summit meeting of the heads, in full compliance with all norms of diplomatic etiquette.
Private and corporate flights

  • Cost management for business events
  • Registration of visas and all documents
  • VIP Service
  • Hotels, transfers, transport rental
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