Preparation and holding of business meetings - Carlton

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Preparation and holding of business meetings
Preparation and holding of business meetings
Business development is not limited to the professional organization of negotiations and business meetings, the success of which depends not only on the conditions discussed by the heads of representative offices. The success of the transaction and the future of the business is determined not only by the benefits of the contract and agreements of intent. The atmosphere of the negotiation process, business conversation - in an informal setting or at the time of negotiations should correspond to the task of forming an image and contribute to the signing of the contract.

Carlton Travel is more than 15 years of experience in business travel. Modern practical solutions for organizing meetings of a different nature, level, significance.

From business visits of foreign colleagues and field events to develop your business abroad, large-scale conferences and international seminars to planning and holding diplomatic receptions, meetings of heads of delegations, business partners.

There is no need to ask for help in organizing a business meeting to several performers. From the moment of planning to the formation of reports on the event - all professional training and the direct organization of business meetings in Carlton Travel is carried out comprehensively

  • Private and corporate flights
  • Cost management for business events
  • Registration of visas and all documents
  • VIP Service
  • Hotels, transfers, car rental
Holding meetings abroad
Our company takes full responsibility for the full cycle: organization of meetings and events of any complexity, whether it is the opening of exhibitions, congresses, visits of delegations and negotiations in accordance with the norms and requirements of business travel etiquette.

  • Taking into account the national characteristics of the groups
  • Assistance in resolving conflict situations
  • Compliance with the protocol nature of the event

The service of our company is the most effective and covers the stages necessary for the implementation of constructive business processes: - visa support

Assistance in obtaining entry documents for participants of a business meeting abroad.

  • booking air flights or railway travel of any complexity, on a convenient route and a favorable rate
To do this, we have at our disposal Business Aviation specialists, VIP service at airports, regular flights. Cooperation with more than 70 international airlines and European Railways.
  • meeting and seeing off at the airport.
Individual and private organization of the process, private driver, car of the appropriate class.
  • transfer to the venue of the event and to the point of departure
Taking into account the status and significance of the business meeting, its participants, regulations.
  • translator
Including synchronous and technical.
  • accommodation in hotels anywhere in the world
With the selection of options according to the norms of business and diplomatic etiquette, compliance with the position, the status of visitors in the company, taking into account the personal preferences of the client.
Visits of foreign delegations and partners to Azerbaijan
Organization of business meetings on the territory of the country in accordance with the protocol practice of negotiations. The process for organizing official visits of foreign partners to Russia is identical to the method of organizing a business meeting abroad and includes a similar list of services. Additionally, the organization of the visit program provides, if necessary, the preparation of printed, advertising, representative and souvenir materials required by the regulations of the event.

You can get additional information about how the organization of business events takes place from our consultants.
Managing the processes of a business meeting and making unscheduled changes to a pre-approved regulation is carried out through a personal manager. It is implemented in the shortest possible time and can significantly contribute to the establishment of strong partnerships in the future and improve the business reputation of the company as a whole. Summing up, we want to draw your attention to the fact that the choice of a service provider for organizing visits of delegations is a big, significant step for the company in advancing to the world market.

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