Help in obtaining visas - Carlton

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Help in obtaining visas
The visa department of Carlton Travel provides assistance and support in obtaining entry / exit documents. Registration of visas to different countries for a business or tourist trip is carried out by the staff of the visa center with the provision of a full range of services. The departments of our company, specializing in working with embassies, provide full passport and visa support.

  • Advising foreign citizens on paperwork and other issues of migration law
  • Preparation of visa documents and work permits for foreign citizens
  • Assistance in accreditation in the necessary state structures of representative offices and branches (legal entities) in order to comply with the rules of migration legislation
Visa types
Depending on the purpose of the trip, the category of the visa is determined.
Designations assigned to immigrant visas entitle the foreign resident to live and/or work in the country for a designated period of time.

  • tourist
  • guest
  • business visa
  • working
  • transit
  • other

People entering the country for the purpose of establishing a business relationship or starting a new business will be required a business visa. A properly executed package of documents gives the right to freely cross the border and conduct profitable activities, negotiations or search for partners on the territory of a foreign state. Tourist visa in this case has no effect.

Please note that you should take care of obtaining a business visa in advance.
Employment in another country obliges the applicant to issue a package of documents for a work visa. It lasts longer and is harder to get.
Features of obtaining visas
Depending on which country you visit, the composition of the package of documents and the data processing time may vary. And there are always features of obtaining a visa mark in the passport and the rules for further stay.

Applying for a Schengen visa usually does not take much time. Obtaining such a permit implies the possibility of visiting all Schengen countries. If you have been allowed multiple entry, for example, to Greece, then the first entry into the Schengen area is desirable through this country. The case of not visiting the state that issued the entry documents is considered a violation of the visa regime. This may mean that the approval of the Schengen visa next time will not take place.
Application of a schengen visa, procedures
  • Checking the validity of the passport, resolving force majeure situations
  • Assistance in preparing a package of documents
  • Filling out the questionnaire in accordance with the requirements of embassies
  • Recording for fingerprinting
  • Visa without personal presence

Another feature is the ban on visa-free transit through the territory of the Schengen countries. A stop  in one of the European countries for a transfer requires a transit Schengen visa. Asian countries are more often distinguished by a simplified visa regime. Among Arab states loyal to foreign visitors, a number of difficulties may arise in obtaining permission to enter Saudi Arabia. Specialists at our visa office will tell you about the intricacies and sequence of registration. The procedure for obtaining a US visa is more complicated, a personal interview is required. There are more than 20 types of visas for the USA. Carlton Travel applies an individual approach to obtaining a visa to the required country. Staff will advise applicants on systems for obtaining all necessary permits and help to simplify the procedures as much as possible.
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