Corporate event - Carlton

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Corporate event
The organization of corporate events has been one of the main activities of our company for 15 years, we have experience in organizing events for any number of people and format, whether it is a banquet on the roof of a skyscraper, crowning important negotiations or a festive corporate concert with the participation of stars in the old royal castle.

Accreditation in the International Association of Air Carriers provides an opportunity to organize offsite corporate events in any corner of our planet, significantly reducing the cost of air travel and accommodation.
About eighty percent of large international corporations annually practice corporate events, or event tours, of various formats and scales to encourage and motivate company employees.

The form of holding events can be any - a practical conference for the exchange of experience, thematic team building or encouragement for a successful result in the sale of products and services. To solve this problem, it is important to determine the goals of a corporate event.

Goals of corporate events:

  • drawing attention to the launch of a new product on the market
  • establishment of a dealer and agent network and strengthening of mutual cooperation
  • contribute to the formation of a loyal and cohesive team

It is important to note that every dollar invested in a corporate trip pays off many times over and develops the corporate culture.

Three types of corporate events are distinguished depending on the goals:
incentive programs:
weekend tour, individual tours, visits to significant events in the field of culture and sports, recreation for the children of employees. The easiest way to capture the imagination of employees and strategic partners and make the event unforgettable is to take them to one of the exotic countries that do not appear on the lists of mass tourism destinations

important: take the time to carefully develop the program so that positive emotions from the event are not wiped out by organizational fuss and an unverified program.
motivational programs:
Organization of a trip to the cities of the region of interest, with business events held in each with potential partners, training workshops and presentations of new products. Such corporate events fully combine business and entertainment parts, serve both for business communication and for informal communication of stakeholders.
Important: thanks to our extensive experience in organizing and holding corporate events, we advise you to ensure that the list of participants is determined on the basis of transparent and understandable criteria.
team building:
Corporate events, taking part in which a team of employees in the process of a competition or game learns to interact and make decisions effectively and harmoniously.
Organization of corporate events
Festive corporate events fill life with positive emotions and experiences, charge employees with creative potential, and help strengthen the image of developing companies. Having spent the company's birthday in one of the regions of Azerbaijan or organizing an outdoor event on the ocean coast, you will not only please your team, but also conduct an excellent free advertising campaign on social networks.
Important: a distinctive feature of the organization of a corporate event is an individual approach - each event is developed for a specific customer

Each corporate client of Carlton Travel is assigned a personal account manager, whose responsibilities include developing a plan for working with the client, holding regular meetings, and assisting in solving complex and non-standard requests.

To make a corporate event successful and memorable for a long time, we will offer you all the modern trends in the event industry in the field of making an exclusive corporate event: creative scenarios, unusual locations, stunning performances and mesmerizing special effects, festive decoration and original decor, an exclusive menu and an exquisite wine list.

Organization of turnkey corporate events

We will gladly take care of all the chores of organizing a turnkey corporate event: corporate holidays and corporate adventures, outdoor activities, eco- and ethno-tourism, cruises and climbing.

Only the range of services from Carlton Travel remains common:

  • development of a scenario, program of the event
  • booking of air and railway tickets
  • organization of VIP service at airports
  • transfer organization
  • providing of tourist insurance services
  • hotel selection, room reservation
  • assistance in obtaining a visa and registration
  • organization of excursion and cultural programs
  • organization of work of guides and translators
  • selection and design of venues for business and entertainment events of the corporate program
  • catering (from breaks and buffets to diplomatic receptions)
  • organization of development and production of souvenirs and printing products
  • full documented report on the use of funds

Organization of corporate events from Carlton Travel is a guarantee of success and prosperity of your business.
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